Dillon Sawyer Richardson

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day

We had a great time in Kansas this year.
They managed to catch a few fish.
Dillon was not about to touch one.
We had a great time hanging out with my brother's son, Fisher.
Dillon loves little Fisher.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Big Boy Bike

Even though Dillon has only been riding his tricycle for a few months,
Dad thought it was time for Dillon to have a big boy bike. A little practice on the obstacle course
got him off on the right track.I guess Dad was right.
He can ride the bike.
I wonder if he will come back. Pretty soon we will all be able to ride around the neighborhood together!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

End of School Program

The day finally came when school (Mother's Day Out) was ending.
Dillon is going to miss his buddies. Ms Beth was the best teacher ever!!
Dillon put on a great show.
Who knew he could keep a beat.

He gave me a beautiful plant in a painted pot
for Mother's Day.

Thanks Ms Beth and Dillon for all the wonderful
memories of Dillon's first year of Mother's Day Out.